$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 filter, AreaChart
 get, Graph
 getAdjacence, Graph
 getAdjacency, Graph.Node
 getAlignedPos, ST.Plot
 getByName, Graph
 getCanvasStyle, Accessors
 getClosestNodeToOrigin, Graph.Util
 getClosestNodeToPos, Graph.Util
 getConfig, Canvas
 getCtx, Canvas
 getData, Accessors
 getElement, Canvas
 getLabel, Graph.Label.DOM
 getLabelContainer, Graph.Label.DOM
 getLabelData, Accessors
 getParent, $jit.json
 getParents, Graph.Util
 getRadius, Hypertree
 getSize, Canvas
 getSubnodes, Graph.Util
 getSubtree, $jit.json
 hasNode, Graph
 hexToRgb, $jit.util
 hideLabel, Graph.Label.DOM
 hideLabels, Graph.Label.DOM
 interpolate, Polar
 isDescendantOf, Graph.Util
 leaf, TM.Base
filter: function(filters,
Filter selected stacks, collapsing all other stacks.
A visualization that lays graphs using a Force-Directed layout algorithm.
Custom extension of Graph.Label.
Custom extension of Graph.Op.
Custom extension of Graph.Plot.
This class contains a list of Graph.Adjacence built-in types.
This class contains a list of Graph.Node built-in types.
get: function(id)
An alias for Graph.Util.getNode.
getAdjacence: function (id,
Returns a Graph.Adjacence object connecting nodes with ids id and id2.
getAdjacency: function(id)
Returns a Graph.Adjacence object connecting the current Graph.Node and the node having id as id.
getAlignedPos: function(pos,
Returns a x, y object with the position of the top/left corner of a ST node.
getByName: function(name)
Returns a Graph.Node by name.
getc: function()
Returns a complex number.
getc: function(simple)
Returns a complex number.
getCanvasStyle: function(prop,
Returns the specified canvas style data value property.
getClosestNodeToOrigin: function(graph,
Returns the closest node to the center of canvas.
getClosestNodeToPos: function(graph,
Returns the closest node to the given position.
getConfig: function()
Returns the current Configuration for this Canvas Widget.
getCtx: function(i)
Returns the main canvas context object
getData: function(prop,
Returns the specified data value property.
getElement: function()
Returns the main Canvas DOM wrapper
getLabel: function(id)
Lazy fetcher for the label element.
getLabelContainer: function()
Lazy fetcher for the label container.
getLabelData: function(prop,
Returns the specified label data value property.
getLegend: function()
Returns an object containing as keys the legend names and as values hex strings with color values.
getLegend: function()
Returns an object containing as keys the legend names and as values hex strings with color values.
getLegend: function()
Returns an object containing as keys the legend names and as values hex strings with color values.
getMaxValue: function()
Returns the maximum accumulated value for the stacks.
getMaxValue: function()
Returns the maximum accumulated value for the stacks.
getMaxValue: function()
Returns the maximum accumulated value for the stacks.
getNode: function(id)
Returns a Graph.Node by id.
getNode: function(graph,
Returns a Graph.Node by id.
getp: function(simple)
Returns a Polar representation of this number.
getp: function()
Returns a Polar representation.
getParent: function(tree,
Returns the parent node of the node having id as id.
getParents: function(node)
Returns an Array of Graph.Nodes which are parents of the given node.
getPos: function(force)
Returns the canvas position as an x, y object.
getPos: function(type)
Returns the position of the node.
getRadius: function()
Returns the current radius of the visualization.
getSize: function(i)
Returns canvas dimensions.
getSubnodes: function(node,
Collects all subnodes for a specified node.
getSubtree: function(tree,
Returns the subtree that matches the given id.
A Graph Class that provides useful manipulation functions.
A Graph adjacence (or edge) connecting two Graph.Nodes.
An interface for plotting/hiding/showing labels.
Abstract Class implementing some DOM label methods.
Implements HTML labels.
Implements labels natively, using the Canvas text API.
Implements SVG labels.
A Graph node.
Perform Graph operations like adding/removing Graph.Nodes or Graph.Adjacences, morphing a Graph into another Graph, contracting or expanding subtrees, etc.
Graph rendering and animation methods.
Graph 3D rendering and animation methods.
Graph traversal and processing utility object.
hasNode: function(id)
Returns a boolean indicating if the node belongs to the Graph or not.
Helpers are objects that contain rendering primitives (like rectangles, ellipses, etc), for plotting nodes and edges.
$.hexToRgb = function(hex)
Converts an Hex color string into an RGB array.
hideLabel: function(node,
Hides the corresponding Graph.Node label.
hideLabels: function (hide)
Hides all labels (by hiding the label container).
A Hyperbolic Tree/Graph visualization.
Custom extension of Graph.Label.
Custom extension of Graph.Op.
Custom extension of Graph.Plot.
This class contains a list of Graph.Adjacence built-in types.
This class contains a list of Graph.Node built-in types.
Icicle space filling visualization.
Custom extension of Graph.Label.
Custom extension of Graph.Op.
Custom extension of Graph.Plot.
This class contains a list of Graph.Node built-in types.
interpolate: function(elem,
Calculates a polar interpolation between two points at a given delta moment.
isDescendantOf: function(node,
Returns a boolean indicating if some node is descendant of the node with the given id.
isZero: function ()
Returns true if the number is zero.
isZero: function ()
Returns true if the number is zero.
leaf: function(n)
Returns whether the node is a leaf.
Provides methods for loading and serving JSON data.
loadJSON: function(json)
Loads JSON data into the visualization.
loadJSON: function(json)
Loads JSON data into the visualization.
loadJSON: function(json,
Loads a JSON structure to the visualization.
loadJSON: function(json)
Loads JSON data into the visualization.