
Options.NodeProvides Node rendering options for Tree and Graph based visualizations.


Provides Node rendering options for Tree and Graph based visualizations.


Options.Node = {
  overridable: false,
  type: 'circle',
  color: '#ccb',
  alpha: 1,
  dim: 3,
  height: 20,
  width: 90,
  autoHeight: false,
  autoWidth: false,
  lineWidth: 1,
  transform: true,
  align: "center",
  CanvasStyles: {}


var viz = new $jit.Viz({
  Node: {
    overridable: true,
    width: 30,
    autoHeight: true,
    type: 'rectangle'


overridable(boolean) Default’s false.  Determine whether or not general node properties can be overridden by a particular Graph.Node.
type(string) Default’s circle.  Node’s shape.  Node built-in types include ‘circle’, ‘rectangle’, ‘square’, ‘ellipse’, ‘triangle’, ‘star’.  The default Node type might vary in each visualization.  You can also implement (non built-in) custom Node types into your visualizations.
color(string) Default’s #ccb.  Node color.
alpha(number) Default’s 1.  The Node’s alpha value.  1 is for full opacity.
dim(number) Default’s 3.  An extra parameter used by ‘circle’, ‘square’, ‘triangle’ and ‘star’ node types.  Depending on each shape, this parameter can set the radius of a circle, half the length of the side of a square, half the base and half the height of a triangle or the length of a side of a star (concave decagon).
height(number) Default’s 20.  Used by ‘rectangle’ and ‘ellipse’ node types.  The height of the node shape.
width(number) Default’s 90.  Used by ‘rectangle’ and ‘ellipse’ node types.  The width of the node shape.
autoHeight(boolean) Default’s false.  Whether to set an auto height for the node depending on the content of the Node’s label.
autoWidth(boolean) Default’s false.  Whether to set an auto width for the node depending on the content of the Node’s label.
lineWidth(number) Default’s 1.  Used only by some Node shapes.  The line width of the strokes of a node.
transform(boolean) Default’s true.  Only used by the Hypertree visualization.  Whether to scale the nodes according to the moebius transformation.
align(string) Default’s center.  Possible values are ‘center’, ‘left’ or ‘right’.  Used only by the ST visualization, these parameters are used for aligning nodes when some of they dimensions vary.
angularWidth(number) Default’s 1.  Used in radial layouts (like RGraph or Sunburst visualizations).  The amount of relative ‘space’ set for a node.
span(number) Default’s 1.  Used in radial layouts (like RGraph or Sunburst visualizations).  The angle span amount set for a node.
CanvasStyles(object) Default’s an empty object (i.e.  {}).  Attach any other canvas specific property that you’d set to the canvas context before plotting a Node.
A Graph node.
A Hyperbolic Tree/Graph visualization.
A Tree layout with advanced contraction and expansion animations.
A radial graph visualization with advanced animations.
A radial space filling tree visualization.