

BarChart options.  Other options included in the BarChart are Options.Canvas, Options.Label, Options.Margin, Options.Tips and Options.Events.


Options.BarChart = {
  animate: true,
  labelOffset: 3,
  barsOffset: 0,
  type: 'stacked',
  hoveredColor: '#9fd4ff',
  orientation: 'horizontal',
  showAggregates: true,
  showLabels: true


var barChart = new $jit.BarChart({
  animate: true,
  barsOffset: 10,
  type: 'stacked:gradient'


animate(boolean) Default’s true.  Whether to add animated transitions when filtering/restoring stacks.
offset(number) Default’s 25.  Adds margin between the visualization and the canvas.
labelOffset(number) Default’s 3.  Adds margin between the label and the default place where it should be drawn.
barsOffset(number) Default’s 0.  Separation between bars.
type(string) Default’s *’stacked’*.  Stack or grouped styles.  Posible values are ‘stacked’, ‘grouped’, ‘stacked:gradient’, ‘grouped:gradient’ to add gradients.
hoveredColor(boolean|string) Default’s *’#9fd4ff’*.  Sets the selected color for a hovered bar stack.
orientation(string) Default’s ‘horizontal’.  Sets the direction of the bars.  Possible options are ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’.
showAggregates(boolean, function) Default’s true.  Display the sum the values of each bar.  Can also be a function that returns true or false to display the value of the bar or not.  That same function can also return a string with the formatted data to be added.
showLabels(boolean, function) Default’s true.  Display the name of the slots.  Can also be a function that returns true or false for each bar to decide whether to show the label or not.
A visualization that displays stacked bar charts.
These are Canvas general options, like where to append it in the DOM, its dimensions, background, and other more advanced options.
Provides styling for Labels such as font size, family, etc.
Canvas drawing margins.
Tips options
Configuration for adding mouse/touch event handlers to Nodes.