
Options.EdgeProvides Edge rendering options for Tree and Graph based visualizations.


Provides Edge rendering options for Tree and Graph based visualizations.


Options.Edge = {
  overridable: false,
  type: 'line',
  color: '#ccb',
  lineWidth: 1,
  alpha: 1,
  CanvasStyles: {}


var viz = new $jit.Viz({
  Edge: {
    overridable: true,
    type: 'line',
    color: '#fff',
    CanvasStyles: {
      shadowColor: '#ccc',
      shadowBlur: 10


overridable(boolean) Default’s false.  Determine whether or not general edges properties can be overridden by a particular Graph.Adjacence.
type(string) Default’s ‘line’.  Edge styles include ‘line’, ‘hyperline’, ‘arrow’.  The default Edge type might vary in each visualization.  You can also implement custom Edge types.
color(string) Default’s ‘#ccb’.  Edge color.
lineWidth(number) Default’s 1.  Line/Edge width.
alpha(number) Default’s 1.  The Edge’s alpha value.  1 is for full opacity.
dim(number) Default’s 15.  An extra parameter used by other complex shapes such as quadratic, bezier or arrow, to determine the shape’s diameter.
epsilon(number) Default’s 7.  Only used when using enableForEdges in Options.Events.  This dimension is used to create an area for the line where the contains method for the edge returns true.
CanvasStyles(object) Default’s an empty object (i.e.  {}).  Attach any other canvas specific property that you’d set to the canvas context before plotting an Edge.

See also

If you want to know more about how to customize Node/Edge data per element, in the JSON or programmatically, take a look at this article.

A Graph adjacence (or edge) connecting two Graph.Nodes.
Configuration for adding mouse/touch event handlers to Nodes.