
TM.BaseAbstract class providing base functionality for TM.Squarified, TM.Strip and TM.SliceAndDice visualizations.
refreshComputes positions and plots the tree.
plotPlots the TreeMap.
leafReturns whether the node is a leaf.
enterSets the node as root.
outSets the parent node of the current selected node as root.
TM.OpCustom extension of Graph.Op.
TM.PlotCustom extension of Graph.Plot.
TM.LabelCustom extension of Graph.Label.
TM.Plot.NodeTypesThis class contains a list of Graph.Node built-in types.
TM.SliceAndDiceA slice and dice TreeMap visualization.
TM.SquarifiedA squarified TreeMap visualization.
TM.StripA strip TreeMap visualization.


Abstract class providing base functionality for TM.Squarified, TM.Strip and TM.SliceAndDice visualizations.


All Loader methods

Constructor Options

Inherits options from

Additionally, there are other parameters and some default values changed

orientation(string) Default’s h.  Whether to set horizontal or vertical layouts.  Possible values are ‘h’ and ‘v’.
titleHeight(number) Default’s 13.  The height of the title rectangle for inner (non-leaf) nodes.
offset(number) Default’s 2.  Boxes offset.
constrained(boolean) Default’s false.  Whether to show the entire tree when loaded or just the number of levels specified by levelsToShow.
levelsToShow(number) Default’s 3.  The number of levels to show for a subtree.  This number is relative to the selected node.
animate(boolean) Default’s false.  Whether to animate transitions.
Node.typeDescribed in Options.Node.  Default’s rectangle.
durationDescribed in Options.Fx.  Default’s 700.
fpsDescribed in Options.Fx.  Default’s 45.

Instance Properties

canvasAccess a Canvas instance.
graphAccess a Graph instance.
opAccess a TM.Op instance.
fxAccess a TM.Plot instance.
labelsAccess a TM.Label interface implementation.

Inspired by

Squarified Treemaps (Mark Bruls, Kees Huizing, and Jarke J. van Wijk)

Tree visualization with tree-maps: 2-d space-filling approach (Ben Shneiderman)


This visualization was built and engineered from scratch, taking only the paper as inspiration, and only shares some features with the visualization described in the paper.

refreshComputes positions and plots the tree.
plotPlots the TreeMap.
leafReturns whether the node is a leaf.
enterSets the node as root.
outSets the parent node of the current selected node as root.



refresh: function()

Computes positions and plots the tree.


plot: function()

Plots the TreeMap.  This is a shortcut to fx.plot.


leaf: function(n)

Returns whether the node is a leaf.


n(object) A Graph.Node.


enter: function(n)

Sets the node as root.


n(object) A Graph.Node.


out: function()

Sets the parent node of the current selected node as root.


Custom extension of Graph.Op.


All Graph.Op methods

See also



Custom extension of Graph.Plot.


All Graph.Plot methods

See also



Custom extension of Graph.Label.  Contains custom Graph.Label.SVG, Graph.Label.HTML and Graph.Label.Native extensions.


All Graph.Label methods and subclasses.

See also

Graph.Label, Graph.Label.Native, Graph.Label.HTML, Graph.Label.SVG.


This class contains a list of Graph.Node built-in types.  Node types implemented are ‘none’, ‘rectangle’.

You can add your custom node types, customizing your visualization to the extreme.


  'mySpecialType': {
    'render': function(node, canvas) {
      //print your custom node to canvas
    'contains': function(node, pos) {
      //return true if pos is inside the node or false otherwise


A slice and dice TreeMap visualization.


All TM.Base methods and properties.


A squarified TreeMap visualization.


All TM.Base methods and properties.


A strip TreeMap visualization.


All TM.Base methods and properties.

A squarified TreeMap visualization.
A strip TreeMap visualization.
A slice and dice TreeMap visualization.
refresh: function()
Computes positions and plots the tree.
plot: function()
Plots the TreeMap.
leaf: function(n)
Returns whether the node is a leaf.
enter: function(n)
Sets the node as root.
out: function()
Sets the parent node of the current selected node as root.
Perform Graph operations like adding/removing Graph.Nodes or Graph.Adjacences, morphing a Graph into another Graph, contracting or expanding subtrees, etc.
Graph rendering and animation methods.
An interface for plotting/hiding/showing labels.
A Graph node.
Provides methods for loading and serving JSON data.
These are Canvas general options, like where to append it in the DOM, its dimensions, background, and other more advanced options.
Provides controller methods.
Provides Node rendering options for Tree and Graph based visualizations.
Provides Edge rendering options for Tree and Graph based visualizations.
Provides styling for Labels such as font size, family, etc.
Configuration for adding mouse/touch event handlers to Nodes.
Tips options
Apply different styles when a node is hovered or selected.
Panning and zooming options for Graph/Tree based visualizations.
Provides animation options like duration of the animations, frames per second and animation transitions.
A canvas widget used by all visualizations.
A Graph Class that provides useful manipulation functions.
Custom extension of Graph.Op.
Custom extension of Graph.Plot.
Custom extension of Graph.Label.
Implements SVG labels.
Implements HTML labels.
Implements labels natively, using the Canvas text API.
Abstract class providing base functionality for TM.Squarified, TM.Strip and TM.SliceAndDice visualizations.