Icicle.js | |
Icicle | Icicle space filling visualization. |
Functions | |
refresh | Computes positions and plots the tree. |
plot | Plots the Icicle visualization. |
enter | Sets the node as root. |
out | Sets the parent node of the current selected node as root. |
Icicle.Op | Custom extension of Graph.Op. |
Icicle.Plot | Custom extension of Graph.Plot. |
Icicle. | Custom extension of Graph.Label. |
Icicle. | This class contains a list of Graph.Node built-in types. |
Icicle space filling visualization.
All Loader methods
Inherits options from
Additionally, there are other parameters and some default values changed
orientation | (string) Default’s h. Whether to set horizontal or vertical layouts. Possible values are ‘h’ and ‘v’. |
offset | (number) Default’s 2. Boxes offset. |
constrained | (boolean) Default’s false. Whether to show the entire tree when loaded or just the number of levels specified by levelsToShow. |
levelsToShow | (number) Default’s 3. The number of levels to show for a subtree. This number is relative to the selected node. |
animate | (boolean) Default’s false. Whether to animate transitions. |
Node.type | Described in Options.Node. Default’s rectangle. |
Label.type | Described in Options.Label. Default’s Native. |
duration | Described in Options.Fx. Default’s 700. |
fps | Described in Options.Fx. Default’s 45. |
canvas | Access a Canvas instance. |
graph | Access a Graph instance. |
op | Access a Icicle.Op instance. |
fx | Access a Icicle.Plot instance. |
labels | Access a Icicle.Label interface implementation. |
Custom extension of Graph.Label. Contains custom Graph.Label.SVG, Graph.Label.HTML and Graph.Label.Native extensions.
All Graph.Label methods and subclasses.
Graph.Label, Graph.Label.Native, Graph.Label.HTML, Graph.Label.SVG.
This class contains a list of Graph.Node built-in types. Node types implemented are ‘none’, ‘rectangle’.
You can add your custom node types, customizing your visualization to the extreme.
Icicle.Plot.NodeTypes.implement({ 'mySpecialType': { 'render': function(node, canvas) { //print your custom node to canvas }, //optional 'contains': function(node, pos) { //return true if pos is inside the node or false otherwise } } });
Computes positions and plots the tree.
refresh: function()
Plots the Icicle visualization.
plot: function()
Sets the node as root.
enter: function ( node )
Sets the parent node of the current selected node as root.
out: function()