
Options.NavigationPanning and zooming options for Graph/Tree based visualizations.


Panning and zooming options for Graph/Tree based visualizations.  These options are implemented by all visualizations except charts (AreaChart, BarChart and PieChart).


Options.Navigation = {
  enable: false,
  type: 'auto',
  panning: false, //true, 'avoid nodes'
  zooming: false


var viz = new $jit.Viz({
  Navigation: {
    enable: true,
    panning: 'avoid nodes',
    zooming: 20


enable(boolean) Default’s false.  Whether to enable Navigation capabilities.
type(string) Default’s ‘auto’.  Whether to attach the navigation events onto the HTML labels (via event delegation) or to use the custom ‘Native’ canvas Event System of the library.  When ‘auto’ set when you let the Options.Label type parameter decide this.
panning(boolean|string) Default’s false.  Set this property to true if you want to add Drag and Drop panning support to the visualization.  You can also set this parameter to ‘avoid nodes’ to enable DnD panning but disable it if the DnD is taking place over a node.  This is useful when some other events like Drag & Drop for nodes are added to Graph.Nodes.
zooming(boolean|number) Default’s false.  Set this property to a numeric value to turn mouse-scroll zooming on.  The number will be proportional to the mouse-scroll sensitivity.
A visualization that displays stacked area charts.
A visualization that displays stacked bar charts.
A visualization that displays stacked bar charts.
Provides styling for Labels such as font size, family, etc.
A Graph node.