
Options.CanvasThese are Canvas general options, like where to append it in the DOM, its dimensions, background, and other more advanced options.


These are Canvas general options, like where to append it in the DOM, its dimensions, background, and other more advanced options.


Options.Canvas = {
  injectInto: 'id',
  type: '2D', //'3D'
  width: false,
  height: false,
  useCanvas: false,
  withLabels: true,
  background: false


var viz = new $jit.Viz({
  injectInto: 'someContainerId',
  width: 500,
  height: 700


injectIntorequired (string|element) The id of the DOM container for the visualization.  It can also be an Element provided that it has an id.
type(string) Context type.  Default’s 2D but can be 3D for webGL enabled browsers.
width(number) Default’s to the container’s offsetWidth.  The width of the canvas.
height(number) Default’s to the container’s offsetHeight.  The height of the canvas.
useCanvas(boolean|object) Default’s false.  You can pass another Canvas instance to be used by the visualization.
withLabels(boolean) Default’s true.  Whether to use a label container for the visualization.
background(boolean|object) Default’s false.  An object containing information about the rendering of a background canvas.
A canvas widget used by all visualizations.