
Graph.OpPerform Graph operations like adding/removing Graph.Nodes or Graph.Adjacences, morphing a Graph into another Graph, contracting or expanding subtrees, etc.
removeNodeRemoves one or more Graph.Nodes from the visualization.
removeEdgeRemoves one or more Graph.Adjacences from the visualization.
sumAdds a new graph to the visualization.
morphThis method will transform the current visualized graph into the new JSON representation passed in the method.
contractCollapses the subtree of the given node.
expandExpands the previously contracted subtree.


Perform Graph operations like adding/removing Graph.Nodes or Graph.Adjacences, morphing a Graph into another Graph, contracting or expanding subtrees, etc.

removeNodeRemoves one or more Graph.Nodes from the visualization.
removeEdgeRemoves one or more Graph.Adjacences from the visualization.
sumAdds a new graph to the visualization.
morphThis method will transform the current visualized graph into the new JSON representation passed in the method.
contractCollapses the subtree of the given node.
expandExpands the previously contracted subtree.



removeNode: function(node,

Removes one or more Graph.Nodes from the visualization.  It can also perform several animations like fading sequentially, fading concurrently, iterating or replotting.


node(string|array) The node’s id.  Can also be an array having many ids.
opt(object) Animation options.  It’s an object with optional properties described below
type(string) Default’s nothing.  Type of the animation.  Can be “nothing”, “replot”, “fade:seq”, “fade:con” or “iter”.
durationDescribed in Options.Fx.
fpsDescribed in Options.Fx.
transitionDescribed in Options.Fx.
hideLabels(boolean) Default’s true.  Hide labels during the animation.


var viz = new $jit.Viz(options);
viz.op.removeNode('nodeId', {
  type: 'fade:seq',
  duration: 1000,
  hideLabels: false,
  transition: $jit.Trans.Quart.easeOut
//or also
viz.op.removeNode(['someId', 'otherId'], {
  type: 'fade:con',
  duration: 1500


removeEdge: function(vertex,

Removes one or more Graph.Adjacences from the visualization.  It can also perform several animations like fading sequentially, fading concurrently, iterating or replotting.


vertex(array) An array having two strings which are the ids of the nodes connected by this edge (i.e [‘id1’, ‘id2’]).  Can also be a two dimensional array holding many edges (i.e [[‘id1’, ‘id2’], [‘id3’, ‘id4’], ...]).
opt(object) Animation options.  It’s an object with optional properties described below
type(string) Default’s nothing.  Type of the animation.  Can be “nothing”, “replot”, “fade:seq”, “fade:con” or “iter”.
durationDescribed in Options.Fx.
fpsDescribed in Options.Fx.
transitionDescribed in Options.Fx.
hideLabels(boolean) Default’s true.  Hide labels during the animation.


var viz = new $jit.Viz(options);
viz.op.removeEdge(['nodeId', 'otherId'], {
  type: 'fade:seq',
  duration: 1000,
  hideLabels: false,
  transition: $jit.Trans.Quart.easeOut
//or also
viz.op.removeEdge([['someId', 'otherId'], ['id3', 'id4']], {
  type: 'fade:con',
  duration: 1500


sum: function(json,

Adds a new graph to the visualization.  The JSON graph (or tree) must at least have a common node with the current graph plotted by the visualization.  The resulting graph can be defined as follows


json(object) A json tree or graph structure.  See also Loader.loadJSON.
opt(object) Animation options.  It’s an object with optional properties described below
type(string) Default’s nothing.  Type of the animation.  Can be “nothing”, “replot”, “fade:seq”, “fade:con”.
durationDescribed in Options.Fx.
fpsDescribed in Options.Fx.
transitionDescribed in Options.Fx.
hideLabels(boolean) Default’s true.  Hide labels during the animation.


//...json contains a tree or graph structure...

var viz = new $jit.Viz(options);
viz.op.sum(json, {
  type: 'fade:seq',
  duration: 1000,
  hideLabels: false,
  transition: $jit.Trans.Quart.easeOut
//or also
viz.op.sum(json, {
  type: 'fade:con',
  duration: 1500


morph: function(json,

This method will transform the current visualized graph into the new JSON representation passed in the method.  The JSON object must at least have the root node in common with the current visualized graph.


json(object) A json tree or graph structure.  See also Loader.loadJSON.
opt(object) Animation options.  It’s an object with optional properties described below
type(string) Default’s nothing.  Type of the animation.  Can be “nothing”, “replot”, “fade:con”.
durationDescribed in Options.Fx.
fpsDescribed in Options.Fx.
transitionDescribed in Options.Fx.
hideLabels(boolean) Default’s true.  Hide labels during the animation.
id(string) The shared Graph.Node id between both graphs.
extraModes(optional|object) When morphing with an animation, dollar prefixed data parameters are added to endData and not data itself.  This way you can animate dollar prefixed parameters during your morphing operation.  For animating these extra-parameters you have to specify an object that has animation groups as keys and animation properties as values, just like specified in Graph.Plot.animate.


//...json contains a tree or graph structure...

var viz = new $jit.Viz(options);
viz.op.morph(json, {
  type: 'fade',
  duration: 1000,
  hideLabels: false,
  transition: $jit.Trans.Quart.easeOut
//or also
viz.op.morph(json, {
  type: 'fade',
  duration: 1500
//if the json data contains dollar prefixed params
//like $width or $height these too can be animated
viz.op.morph(json, {
  type: 'fade',
  duration: 1500
}, {
  'node-property': ['width', 'height']


contract: function(node,

Collapses the subtree of the given node.  The node will have a collapsed=true property.


node(object) A Graph.Node.
opt(object) An object containing options described below
type(string) Whether to ‘replot’ or ‘animate’ the contraction.

There are also a number of Animation options.  For more information see Options.Fx.


var viz = new $jit.Viz(options);
viz.op.contract(node, {
  type: 'animate',
  duration: 1000,
  hideLabels: true,
  transition: $jit.Trans.Quart.easeOut


expand: function(node,

Expands the previously contracted subtree.  The given node must have the collapsed=true property.


node(object) A Graph.Node.
opt(object) An object containing options described below
type(string) Whether to ‘replot’ or ‘animate’.

There are also a number of Animation options.  For more information see Options.Fx.


var viz = new $jit.Viz(options);
viz.op.expand(node, {
  type: 'animate',
  duration: 1000,
  hideLabels: true,
  transition: $jit.Trans.Quart.easeOut
A Graph Class that provides useful manipulation functions.
A Graph node.
A Graph adjacence (or edge) connecting two Graph.Nodes.
removeNode: function(node,
Removes one or more Graph.Nodes from the visualization.
removeEdge: function(vertex,
Removes one or more Graph.Adjacences from the visualization.
sum: function(json,
Adds a new graph to the visualization.
morph: function(json,
This method will transform the current visualized graph into the new JSON representation passed in the method.
contract: function(node,
Collapses the subtree of the given node.
expand: function(node,
Expands the previously contracted subtree.
Provides animation options like duration of the animations, frames per second and animation transitions.
loadJSON: function(json,
Loads a JSON structure to the visualization.
animate: function(opt,
Animates a Graph by interpolating some Graph.Node, Graph.Adjacence or Graph.Label properties.