I | |
init, Tree. | |
initialize, Config | |
initializeBehavior, Config | |
interpolate, Polar | |
L | |
layoutLast, TM.Area | |
layoutRow | |
leaf, Config | |
leafBox, Config | |
loadFromJSON | |
loadGraph | |
loadGraphFromJSON | |
loadSubtrees, TreeUtil | |
loadTree | |
loadTreeFromJSON | |
M | |
makeRect, Canvas | |
moebiusTransformation | |
morph, GraphOp | |
move, ST | |
N | |
nextPosition, Tree. | |
Node | |
norm, Complex | |
O | |
onClick | |
out, Config | |
P | |
path, Canvas | |
plot | |
plotEdge, Tree.Plot | |
plotLabel, GraphPlot | |
plotLine, GraphPlot | |
plotNode | |
plotNodeSquared, Tree.Plot | |
plotOn, Tree. | |
plotTree, Tree.Plot | |
Polar, Polar | |
processChildrenLayout | |
prod, Complex | |
prune, TreeUtil | |
R | |
refresh | |
removeAdjacence, Graph | |
removeAdjacency, Graph.Node | |
removeClass, Tree. | |
removeEdge, GraphOp | |
removeNode | |
removeSubtree | |
reposition, Hypertree | |
requestNodes | |
resetPath, Config | |
resize, Canvas | |
RGraph, RGraph |
Creates a label with the same id of the specified node and sets some initial properties.
init: function( node )
TM.Squarified and TM.SliceAndDice constructor.
initialize: function( controller )
Binds different methods to dom elements like tips, color changing, adding or removing class names on mouseenter and mouseleave, etc.
initializeBehavior: function ()
Calculates a polar interpolation between two points at a given delta moment.
interpolate: function( elem, delta )
Performs the layout of the last computed sibling.
layoutLast: function( ch, w, coord )
Performs the layout of an array of nodes.
layoutRow: function( ch, w, coord )
Performs the layout of an array of nodes.
layoutRow: function( ch, w, coord )
Returns a boolean value specifying if the node is a tree leaf or not.
leaf: function( tree )
Creates the leaf div dom element that usually contains nothing else.
leafBox: function( json, coord )
Loads a json object into the ST.
loadFromJSON: function( json )
Loads the specified JSON tree and lays it on the main container.
loadFromJSON: function ( json )
Loads the specified JSON tree and lays it on the main container.
loadFromJSON: function ( json )
Loads a Graph from a json graph object http://blog.thejit.org
loadGraph: function( json )
Loads a Graph from a json graph object http://blog.thejit.org
loadGraph: function( json )
Loads a Hypertree from a json object http://blog.thejit.org
loadGraphFromJSON: function( json, i )
Loads a RGraph from a json object http://blog.thejit.org
loadGraphFromJSON: function( json, i )
Appends subtrees to leaves by requesting new subtrees.
loadSubtrees: function( tree, controller )
Loads the subtree specified by id and plots it on the layout container.
loadTree: function( id )
Loads a Graph from a json tree object http://blog.thejit.org
loadTree: function( json )
Loads a Graph from a json tree object http://blog.thejit.org
loadTree: function( json )
Loads a Hypertree from a json object http://blog.thejit.org/?p=7
loadTreeFromJSON: function( json )
Loads a RGraph from a json object http://blog.thejit.org
loadTreeFromJSON: function( json )
Draws a rectangle in canvas.
makeRect: function( pos, mode )
Calculates a moebius transformation for this point / complex.
moebiusTransformation: function( c )
Calculates a moebius transformation for the hyperbolic tree.
moebiusTransformation: function( graph, pos, prop, startPos, flags )
This method will morph the current visualized graph into the new json representation passed in the method.
morph: function( viz, json, opt )
Performs the animation of the translation of the tree.
move: function( node, onComplete )
Calculates a siblings node position given a node position.
nextPosition: function( firstPos, offsetHeight )
Node constructor.
Graph.Node = function( id, name, data )
Tree.Node constructor.
Tree.Node = function ( json, _parent )
Calculates the complex norm.
norm: function ()
Performs all calculations and animation when clicking on a label specified by id.
onClick: function( id )
Performs all calculations and animation when clicking on a label specified by id.
onClick: function( id )
This method is called when clicking on a tree node.
onClick: function ( id, onComplete )
Takes the parent node of the currently shown subtree and performs the layout.
out: function()
Performs a beginPath executes action doing then a type (‘fill’ or ‘stroke’) and closing the path with closePath.
path: function( type, action )
Plots a Treemap
plot: function( json )
Plots a Graph.
plot: function( viz, opt )
Plots the Hypertree
plot: function()
Plots the RGraph
plot: function()
This method plots the tree.
plot: function()
Plots the spacetree
plot: function( viz, opt, scale )
Plots an Edge.
plotEdge: function( begin, end, canvas, selected )
Plots a label for a given node.
plotLabel: function( canvas, node, controller )
Plots a hyperline between two nodes.
plotLine: function( adj, canvas )
Plots a graph node.
plotNode: function( node, canvas )
Plots a tree node.
plotNode: function( node, canvas )
Plots a square node.
plotNodeSquared: function( node, canvas )
Plots the label (if this fits in canvas).
plotOn: function ( node, canvas )
Plots nodes and edges of the tree.
plotTree: function( viz, plotLabel, opt )
Polar constructor.
var Polar = function( theta, rho )
Computes children real areas and other useful parameters for performing the Squarified algorithm.
processChildrenLayout: function( par, ch, coord )
Computes children real areas and other useful parameters for performing the Squarified algorithm.
processChildrenLayout: function( par, ch, coord )
Returns the result of multiplying two complex numbers.
prod: function( pos )
Clears all tree nodes having depth greater than maxLevel.
prune: function( tree, maxLevel )
Computes positions and then plots.
refresh: function( reposition )
Computes positions and then plots.
refresh: function()
Removes a Graph.Adjacence from Graph that matches the specified id1 and id2.
removeAdjacence: function( id1, id2 )
Deletes the Graph.Adjacence by id.
removeAdjacency: function( id )
Removes a specified class from the label.
removeClass: function( node, cssClass )
Removes one or more edges from the visualization.
removeEdge: function( viz, vertex, opt )
Removes a Graph.Node from Graph that matches the specified id.
removeNode: function( id )
Removes one or more nodes from the visualization.
removeNode: function( viz, node, opt )
Removes a subtree, performing optionally an animation.
removeSubtree: function( id, removeRoot, method, onComplete )
Deletes a subtree completely.
removeSubtree: function( tree, id, removeRoot )
Computes new positions and repositions the tree where it was before.
reposition: function()
If the controller has a request method, it asynchonously requests subtrees for the leaves of the tree.
requestNodes: function( node, onComplete )
Calls the request method on the controller to request a subtree for each node.
requestNodes: function( nodes, controller )
Removes the .in-path className for all tree dom elements and then adds this className to all ancestors of the given subtree.
resetPath: function( tree )
Resizes the canvas.
resize: function( width, height )
Creates a new RGraph instance.
var RGraph = function( canvas, controller )