Author: Nicolas Garcia Belmonte
Version: 1.0.8a
Copyright: Copyright 2008-2009 by Nicolas Garcia Belmonte.
License: BSD License
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Hypertree.js | Author: Nicolas Garcia Belmonte |
Complex | A multi-purpose Complex Class with common methods. |
Functions | |
Complex | Complex constructor. |
clone | Returns a copy of the current object. |
toPolar | Transforms cartesian to polar coordinates. |
norm | Calculates the complex norm. |
squaredNorm | Calculates the complex squared norm. |
add | Returns the result of adding two complex numbers. |
prod | Returns the result of multiplying two complex numbers. |
conjugate | Returns the conjugate por this complex. |
scale | Returns the result of scaling a Complex instance. |
equals | Comparison method. |
$add | Returns the result of adding two complex numbers. |
$prod | Returns the result of multiplying two complex numbers. |
$conjugate | Returns the conjugate for this complex. |
$scale | Returns the result of scaling a Complex instance. |
$div | Returns the division of two complex numbers. |
moebiusTransformation | Calculates a moebius transformation for this point / complex. |
Polar | A multi purpose polar representation. |
Functions | |
Polar | Polar constructor. |
toComplex | Translates from polar to cartesian coordinates and returns a new Complex instance. |
add | Adds two Polar instances. |
scale | Scales a polar norm. |
equals | Comparison method. |
interpolate | Calculates a polar interpolation between two points at a given delta moment. |
Config | <HT> global configuration object. |
Properties | |
labelContainer | id for label container |
drawMainCircle | show/hide main circle |
allowVariableNodeDiameters | Set this to true if you want your node diameters to be proportional to you first dataset object value property (i.e data[0].value). |
transformNodes | Apply the moebius transformation to the nodes. |
nodeDiameters | Diameters range. |
nodeRangeValues | The interval of the values of the first object of your dataSet array. |
fps | animation frames per second |
animationTime | Time of the animation |
nodeRadius | The radius of the nodes displayed |
GraphUtil | A multi purpose object to do graph traversal and processing. |
Functions | |
filter | For internal use only. |
clean | Cleans flags from nodes (by setting the flag property to false). |
eachNode | Iterates over graph nodes performing an action. |
eachAdjacency | Iterates over a node adjacencies applying the action function. |
computeLevels | Performs a BFS traversal setting correct level for nodes. |
getNode | Returns a graph node with a specified id. |
eachBFS | Performs a BFS traversal of a graph beginning by the node of id id and performing action on each node. |
eachSubnode | After a BFS traversal the depth property of each node has been modified. |
getParents | Returns all nodes having a depth that is less than the node’s depth property. |
getSubnodes | Collects all subnodes for a specified node. |
getClosestNodeToOrigin | Returns the closest node to the center of canvas. |
moebiusTransformation | Calculates a moebius transformation for the hyperbolic tree. |
GraphOp | An object holding unary and binary graph operations such as removingNodes, removingEdges, adding two graphs and morphing. |
Functions | |
removeNode | Removes one or more nodes from the visualization. |
removeEdge | Removes one or more edges from the visualization. |
sum | Adds a new graph to the visualization. |
morph | This method will morph the current visualized graph into the new json representation passed in the method. |
GraphPlot | An object that performs specific radial layouts for a generic graph structure. |
Properties | |
labelsHidden | A flag value indicating if node labels are being displayed or not. |
labelContainer | Label DOM element |
labels | Label DOM elements hash. |
Functions | |
getLabelContainer | Lazy fetcher for the label container. |
getLabel | Lazy fetcher for the label DOM element. |
hideLabels | Hides all labels. |
clearLabels | Clears the label container. |
disposeLabel | Removes a label. |
sequence | Iteratively performs an action while refreshing the state of the visualization. |
animate | Animates the graph by performing a moebius transformation from the current state to the given position. |
plot | Plots a Graph. |
plotNode | Plots a graph node. |
plotLine | Plots a hyperline between two nodes. |
computeArcThroughTwoPoints | Calculates the arc parameters through two points. |
plotLabel | Plots a label for a given node. |
hideLabel | Hides a label having as id. |
sense | For private use only: sets angle direction to clockwise (true) or counterclockwise (false). |
Hypertree | An animated Graph with radial layout. |
Functions | |
Hypertree | Creates a new Hypertree instance. |
loadTree | Loads a Graph from a json tree object |
loadGraph | Loads a Graph from a json graph object |
flagRoot | Flags a node specified by id as root. |
unflagRoot | Unflags all nodes. |
getRoot | Returns the node flagged as root. |
loadTreeFromJSON | Loads a Hypertree from a json object |
loadGraphFromJSON | Loads a Hypertree from a json object |
refresh | Computes positions and then plots. |
reposition | Computes new positions and repositions the tree where it was before. |
plot | Plots the Hypertree |
compute | Computes the graph nodes positions and stores this positions on property. |
computePositions | Performs the main algorithm for computing node positions. |
setAngularWidthForNodes | Sets nodes angular widths. |
setSubtreesAngularWidths | Sets subtrees angular widths. |
setSubtreeAngularWidth | Sets the angular width for a subtree. |
computeAngularWidths | Computes nodes and subtrees angular widths. |
onClick | Performs all calculations and animation when clicking on a label specified by id. |
Graph | A generic Graph class. |
Functions and Properties | |
Graph | Creates a new Graph instance. |
nodes | graph nodes |
getNode | Returns a Graph.Node from a specified id. |
getAdjacence | Returns an array of Graph.Adjacence that connects nodes with id id and id2. |
addNode | Adds a node. |
addAdjacence | Connects nodes specified by obj and obj2. |
removeNode | Removes a Graph.Node from Graph that matches the specified id. |
removeAdjacence | Removes a Graph.Adjacence from Graph that matches the specified id1 and id2. |
hasNode | Returns a Boolean instance indicating if node belongs to graph or not. |
Graph.Node | Behaviour of the Graph node. |
Functions | |
Graph.Node | Node constructor. |
Properties | |
id | A node’s id |
name | A node’s name |
data | The dataSet object |
drawn | Node flag |
angle span | allowed angle span for adjacencies placement |
pos | node position |
startPos | node from position |
endPos | node to position |
alpha | node alpha |
startAlpha | node start alpha |
endAlpha | node end alpha |
adjacencies | node adjacencies |
Functions | |
adjacentTo | Indicates if the node is adjacent to the node indicated by the specified id |
getAdjacency | Returns a Graph.Adjacence that connects the current Graph.Node with the node having id as id. |
addAdjacency | Connects the node to the specified by id. |
removeAdjacency | Deletes the Graph.Adjacence by id. |
Graph. | Creates a new Graph adjacence. |
Properties | |
nodeFrom | One of the two Graph.Nodes connected by this edge. |
nodeTo | One of the two Graph.Nodes connected by this edge. |
data | A dataset object |
alpha | node alpha |
startAlpha | node start alpha |
endAlpha | node end alpha |
Trans | An object containing multiple type of transformations. |
Animation | An object that performs animations. |
A multi-purpose Complex Class with common methods.
Functions | |
Complex | Complex constructor. |
clone | Returns a copy of the current object. |
toPolar | Transforms cartesian to polar coordinates. |
norm | Calculates the complex norm. |
squaredNorm | Calculates the complex squared norm. |
add | Returns the result of adding two complex numbers. |
prod | Returns the result of multiplying two complex numbers. |
conjugate | Returns the conjugate por this complex. |
scale | Returns the result of scaling a Complex instance. |
equals | Comparison method. |
$add | Returns the result of adding two complex numbers. |
$prod | Returns the result of multiplying two complex numbers. |
$conjugate | Returns the conjugate for this complex. |
$scale | Returns the result of scaling a Complex instance. |
$div | Returns the division of two complex numbers. |
moebiusTransformation | Calculates a moebius transformation for this point / complex. |
moebiusTransformation: function( c )
Calculates a moebius transformation for this point / complex. For more information go to:
c | An initialized Complex instance representing a translation Vector. |
toComplex: function()
Translates from polar to cartesian coordinates and returns a new Complex instance.
A new Complex instance.
<HT> global configuration object. Contains important properties to enable customization and proper behavior for the <HT>.
Properties | |
labelContainer | id for label container |
drawMainCircle | show/hide main circle |
allowVariableNodeDiameters | Set this to true if you want your node diameters to be proportional to you first dataset object value property (i.e data[0].value). |
transformNodes | Apply the moebius transformation to the nodes. |
nodeDiameters | Diameters range. |
nodeRangeValues | The interval of the values of the first object of your dataSet array. |
fps | animation frames per second |
animationTime | Time of the animation |
nodeRadius | The radius of the nodes displayed |
A multi purpose object to do graph traversal and processing.
Functions | |
filter | For internal use only. |
clean | Cleans flags from nodes (by setting the flag property to false). |
eachNode | Iterates over graph nodes performing an action. |
eachAdjacency | Iterates over a node adjacencies applying the action function. |
computeLevels | Performs a BFS traversal setting correct level for nodes. |
getNode | Returns a graph node with a specified id. |
eachBFS | Performs a BFS traversal of a graph beginning by the node of id id and performing action on each node. |
eachSubnode | After a BFS traversal the depth property of each node has been modified. |
getParents | Returns all nodes having a depth that is less than the node’s depth property. |
getSubnodes | Collects all subnodes for a specified node. |
getClosestNodeToOrigin | Returns the closest node to the center of canvas. |
moebiusTransformation | Calculates a moebius transformation for the hyperbolic tree. |
moebiusTransformation: function( graph, pos, prop, startPos, flags )
Calculates a moebius transformation for the hyperbolic tree. For more information go to:
theta | Rotation angle. |
c | Translation Complex. |
An object holding unary and binary graph operations such as removingNodes, removingEdges, adding two graphs and morphing.
Functions | |
removeNode | Removes one or more nodes from the visualization. |
removeEdge | Removes one or more edges from the visualization. |
sum | Adds a new graph to the visualization. |
morph | This method will morph the current visualized graph into the new json representation passed in the method. |
removeNode: function( viz, node, opt )
Removes one or more nodes from the visualization. It can also perform several animations like fading sequentially, fading concurrently, iterating or replotting.
viz | The visualization object (an RGraph instance in this case). |
node | The node’s id. Can also be an array having many ids. |
opt | Animation options. It’s an object with two properties: type, which can be nothing, replot, fade:seq, fade:con or iter. The other property is the duration in milliseconds. |
removeEdge: function( viz, vertex, opt )
Removes one or more edges from the visualization. It can also perform several animations like fading sequentially, fading concurrently, iterating or replotting.
viz | The visualization object (an RGraph instance in this case). |
vertex | An array having two strings which are the ids of the nodes connected by this edge: [‘id1’, ‘id2’]. Can also be a two dimensional array holding many edges: [[‘id1’, ‘id2’], [‘id3’, ‘id4’], ...]. |
opt | Animation options. It’s an object with two properties: type, which can be nothing, replot, fade:seq, fade:con or iter. The other property is the duration in milliseconds. |
sum: function( viz, json, opt )
Adds a new graph to the visualization. The json graph (or tree) must at least have a common node with the current graph plotted by the visualization. The resulting graph can be defined as follows:
viz | The visualization object (an RGraph instance in this case). |
json | A json tree |
opt | Animation options. It’s an object with two properties: type, which can be nothing, replot, fade:seq, or fade:con. The other property is the duration in milliseconds. |
morph: function( viz, json, opt )
This method will morph the current visualized graph into the new json representation passed in the method. Can also perform multiple animations. The json object must at least have the root node in common with the current visualized graph.
viz | The visualization object (an RGraph instance in this case). |
json | A json tree |
opt | Animation options. It’s an object with two properties: type, which can be nothing, replot, or fade. The other property is the duration in milliseconds. |
An object that performs specific radial layouts for a generic graph structure.
Properties | |
labelsHidden | A flag value indicating if node labels are being displayed or not. |
labelContainer | Label DOM element |
labels | Label DOM elements hash. |
Functions | |
getLabelContainer | Lazy fetcher for the label container. |
getLabel | Lazy fetcher for the label DOM element. |
hideLabels | Hides all labels. |
clearLabels | Clears the label container. |
disposeLabel | Removes a label. |
sequence | Iteratively performs an action while refreshing the state of the visualization. |
animate | Animates the graph by performing a moebius transformation from the current state to the given position. |
plot | Plots a Graph. |
plotNode | Plots a graph node. |
plotLine | Plots a hyperline between two nodes. |
computeArcThroughTwoPoints | Calculates the arc parameters through two points. |
plotLabel | Plots a label for a given node. |
hideLabel | Hides a label having as id. |
sense | For private use only: sets angle direction to clockwise (true) or counterclockwise (false). |
computeArcThroughTwoPoints: function( p1, p2 )
Calculates the arc parameters through two points. More information in
sense: function( angleBegin, angleEnd )
For private use only: sets angle direction to clockwise (true) or counterclockwise (false).
angleBegin | Starting angle for drawing the arc. |
angleEnd | The HyperLine will be drawn from angleBegin to angleEnd. |
A Boolean instance describing the sense for drawing the HyperLine.
An animated Graph with radial layout.
Go to to know what kind of JSON structure feeds this object.
Go to to know what kind of controller this class accepts.
Refer to the Config object to know what properties can be modified in order to customize this object.
var canvas= new Canvas('infovis', {}); var ht= new Hypertree(canvas); ht.loadTreeFromJSON(json); ht.compute(); ht.plot(); ht.prepareCanvasEvents();
A user should only interact with the Canvas, Hypertree and Config objects/classes. By implementing Hypertree controllers you can also customize the Hypertree behavior.
Functions | |
Hypertree | Creates a new Hypertree instance. |
loadTree | Loads a Graph from a json tree object |
loadGraph | Loads a Graph from a json graph object |
flagRoot | Flags a node specified by id as root. |
unflagRoot | Unflags all nodes. |
getRoot | Returns the node flagged as root. |
loadTreeFromJSON | Loads a Hypertree from a json object |
loadGraphFromJSON | Loads a Hypertree from a json object |
refresh | Computes positions and then plots. |
reposition | Computes new positions and repositions the tree where it was before. |
plot | Plots the Hypertree |
compute | Computes the graph nodes positions and stores this positions on property. |
computePositions | Performs the main algorithm for computing node positions. |
setAngularWidthForNodes | Sets nodes angular widths. |
setSubtreesAngularWidths | Sets subtrees angular widths. |
setSubtreeAngularWidth | Sets the angular width for a subtree. |
computeAngularWidths | Computes nodes and subtrees angular widths. |
onClick | Performs all calculations and animation when clicking on a label specified by id. |
var Hypertree = function( canvas, controller )
Creates a new Hypertree instance.
canvas | A Canvas instance. |
controller | optional a Hypertree controller |
loadTree: function( json )
Loads a Graph from a json tree object
loadGraph: function( json )
Loads a Graph from a json graph object
loadTreeFromJSON: function( json )
Loads a Hypertree from a json object
loadGraphFromJSON: function( json, i )
Loads a Hypertree from a json object
A generic Graph class.
Functions and Properties | |
Graph | Creates a new Graph instance. |
nodes | graph nodes |
getNode | Returns a Graph.Node from a specified id. |
getAdjacence | Returns an array of Graph.Adjacence that connects nodes with id id and id2. |
addNode | Adds a node. |
addAdjacence | Connects nodes specified by obj and obj2. |
removeNode | Removes a Graph.Node from Graph that matches the specified id. |
removeAdjacence | Removes a Graph.Adjacence from Graph that matches the specified id1 and id2. |
hasNode | Returns a Boolean instance indicating if node belongs to graph or not. |
getNode: function( id )
Returns a Graph.Node from a specified id.
getAdjacence: function ( id, id2 )
Returns an array of Graph.Adjacence that connects nodes with id id and id2.
addAdjacence: function ( obj, obj2, weight )
Connects nodes specified by obj and obj2. If not found, nodes are created.
obj | a Graph.Node object. |
obj2 | Another Graph.Node object. |
data | A DataSet object. |
removeNode: function( id )
Removes a Graph.Node from Graph that matches the specified id.
removeAdjacence: function( id1, id2 )
Removes a Graph.Adjacence from Graph that matches the specified id1 and id2.
Behaviour of the Graph node.
Functions | |
Graph.Node | Node constructor. |
Properties | |
id | A node’s id |
name | A node’s name |
data | The dataSet object |
drawn | Node flag |
angle span | allowed angle span for adjacencies placement |
pos | node position |
startPos | node from position |
endPos | node to position |
alpha | node alpha |
startAlpha | node start alpha |
endAlpha | node end alpha |
adjacencies | node adjacencies |
Functions | |
adjacentTo | Indicates if the node is adjacent to the node indicated by the specified id |
getAdjacency | Returns a Graph.Adjacence that connects the current Graph.Node with the node having id as id. |
addAdjacency | Connects the node to the specified by id. |
removeAdjacency | Deletes the Graph.Adjacence by id. |
Graph.Node = function( id, name, data )
Node constructor.
id | The node unique identifier id. |
name | A node’s name. |
data | Place to store some extra information (can be left to null). |
A new Graph.Node instance.
The dataSet object
getAdjacency: function( id )
Returns a Graph.Adjacence that connects the current Graph.Node with the node having id as id.
id | A node id. |
Creates a new Graph adjacence.
Properties | |
nodeFrom | One of the two Graph.Nodes connected by this edge. |
nodeTo | One of the two Graph.Nodes connected by this edge. |
data | A dataset object |
alpha | node alpha |
startAlpha | node start alpha |
endAlpha | node end alpha |
One of the two Graph.Nodes connected by this edge.
One of the two Graph.Nodes connected by this edge.
An object containing multiple type of transformations. Based on the mootools library
Complex constructor.
var Complex= function()
Returns a copy of the current object.
clone: function()
Transforms cartesian to polar coordinates.
toPolar: function()
Calculates the complex norm.
norm: function ()
Calculates the complex squared norm.
squaredNorm: function ()
Returns the result of adding two complex numbers.
add: function( pos )
Returns the result of multiplying two complex numbers.
prod: function( pos )
Returns the conjugate por this complex.
conjugate: function()
Returns the result of scaling a Complex instance.
scale: function( factor )
Comparison method.
equals: function( c )
Returns the result of adding two complex numbers.
$add: function( pos )
Returns the result of multiplying two complex numbers.
$prod:function( pos )
Returns the conjugate for this complex.
$conjugate: function()
Returns the result of scaling a Complex instance.
$scale: function( factor )
Returns the division of two complex numbers.
$div: function( pos )
Calculates a moebius transformation for this point / complex.
moebiusTransformation: function( c )
Polar constructor.
var Polar = function( theta, rho )
Translates from polar to cartesian coordinates and returns a new Complex instance.
toComplex: function()
Adds two Polar instances.
add: function( polar )
Scales a polar norm.
scale: function( number )
Comparison method.
equals: function( c )
Calculates a polar interpolation between two points at a given delta moment.
interpolate: function( elem, delta )
For internal use only.
filter: function( param )
Cleans flags from nodes (by setting the flag property to false).
clean: function( graph )
Iterates over graph nodes performing an action.
eachNode: function( graph, action, flags )
Iterates over a node adjacencies applying the action function.
eachAdjacency: function( node, action, flags )
Performs a BFS traversal setting correct level for nodes.
computeLevels: function( graph, id, flags )
Returns a graph node with a specified id.
getNode: function( graph, id )
Performs a BFS traversal of a graph beginning by the node of id id and performing action on each node.
eachBFS: function( graph, id, action, flags )
After a BFS traversal the depth property of each node has been modified.
eachSubnode: function( graph, node, action, flags )
Returns all nodes having a depth that is less than the node’s depth property.
getParents: function( graph, node )
Collects all subnodes for a specified node.
getSubnodes: function( graph, id, level, flags )
Returns the closest node to the center of canvas.
getClosestNodeToOrigin: function( graph, prop, flags )
Calculates a moebius transformation for the hyperbolic tree.
moebiusTransformation: function( graph, pos, prop, startPos, flags )
Removes one or more nodes from the visualization.
removeNode: function( viz, node, opt )
Removes one or more edges from the visualization.
removeEdge: function( viz, vertex, opt )
Adds a new graph to the visualization.
sum: function( viz, json, opt )
This method will morph the current visualized graph into the new json representation passed in the method.
morph: function( viz, json, opt )
Lazy fetcher for the label container.
getLabelContainer: function()
Lazy fetcher for the label DOM element.
getLabel: function( id )
Hides all labels.
hideLabels: function ( hide )
Clears the label container.
clearLabels: function( viz )
Removes a label.
disposeLabel: function( id )
Iteratively performs an action while refreshing the state of the visualization.
sequence: function( viz, options )
Animates the graph by performing a moebius transformation from the current state to the given position.
animate: function( viz, opt, versor )
Plots a Graph.
plot: function( viz, opt )
Plots a graph node.
plotNode: function( node, canvas )
Plots a hyperline between two nodes.
plotLine: function( adj, canvas )
Calculates the arc parameters through two points.
computeArcThroughTwoPoints: function( p1, p2 )
Plots a label for a given node.
plotLabel: function( canvas, node, controller )
Hides a label having as id.
hideLabel: function( node )
For private use only: sets angle direction to clockwise (true) or counterclockwise (false).
sense: function( angleBegin, angleEnd )
Creates a new Hypertree instance.
var Hypertree = function( canvas, controller )
Loads a Graph from a json tree object
loadTree: function( json )
Loads a Graph from a json graph object
loadGraph: function( json )
Flags a node specified by id as root.
flagRoot: function( id )
Unflags all nodes.
unflagRoot: function()
Returns the node flagged as root.
getRoot: function()
Loads a Hypertree from a json object
loadTreeFromJSON: function( json )
Loads a Hypertree from a json object
loadGraphFromJSON: function( json, i )
Computes positions and then plots.
refresh: function( reposition )
Computes new positions and repositions the tree where it was before.
reposition: function()
Plots the Hypertree
plot: function()
Computes the graph nodes positions and stores this positions on property.
compute: function( property )
Performs the main algorithm for computing node positions.
computePositions: function( property )
Sets nodes angular widths.
setAngularWidthForNodes: function()
Sets the angular width for a subtree.
setSubtreeAngularWidth: function( elem )
Computes nodes and subtrees angular widths.
computeAngularWidths: function ()
Performs all calculations and animation when clicking on a label specified by id.
onClick: function( id )
Creates a new Graph instance.
var Graph= function()
Returns a Graph.Node from a specified id.
getNode: function( id )
Returns an array of Graph.Adjacence that connects nodes with id id and id2.
getAdjacence: function ( id, id2 )
Adds a node.
addNode: function( obj )
Connects nodes specified by obj and obj2.
addAdjacence: function ( obj, obj2, weight )
Removes a Graph.Node from Graph that matches the specified id.
removeNode: function( id )
Removes a Graph.Adjacence from Graph that matches the specified id1 and id2.
removeAdjacence: function( id1, id2 )
Returns a Boolean instance indicating if node belongs to graph or not.
hasNode: function( id )
Node constructor.
Graph.Node = function( id, name, data )
Indicates if the node is adjacent to the node indicated by the specified id
adjacentTo: function( node )
Returns a Graph.Adjacence that connects the current Graph.Node with the node having id as id.
getAdjacency: function( id )
Connects the node to the specified by id.
addAdjacency: function( node, data )
Deletes the Graph.Adjacence by id.
removeAdjacency: function( id )