$#! | |
$_ | |
$add | |
$conjugate, Complex | |
$div, Complex | |
$madd, Polar | |
$prod, Complex | |
$scale | |
_parent, Tree.Node | |
A | |
add | |
addAdjacence, Graph | |
addAdjacency, Graph.Node | |
addClass, Tree. | |
addNode, Graph | |
addSubtree | |
adjacencies, Graph.Node | |
adjacentTo, Graph.Node | |
allow, Config | |
allowVariableNodeDiameters, Config | |
alpha | |
angle span, Graph.Node | |
animate | |
Animation | |
animationTime, Config | |
atLevel, Tree.Util | |
avgAspectRatio, TM.Area | |
B | |
bodyBox, Config | |
C | |
calculateCorners, Tree. | |
calculatePositions, ST | |
Canvas | |
Canvas.js | |
children, Tree. | |
chk, Tree. | |
clean, GraphUtil | |
clear, Canvas | |
clearLabels, GraphPlot | |
clearReactangle, Canvas | |
clone | |
Color, Config | |
Complex | |
compute | |
computeAngularWidths | |
computeArcThroughTwoPoints, GraphPlot | |
computeDim, TM.Area | |
computeLevels, GraphUtil | |
computePositions | |
Config | |
conjugate, Complex | |
contentBox, Config | |
contract, ST | |
controller, Config | |
Core.js | |
createBox, Config |
Returns the result of adding two complex numbers.
$add: function( pos )
Adds two Polar instances affecting the current object.
$add: function( polar )
Returns the conjugate for this complex.
$conjugate: function()
Returns the division of two complex numbers.
$div: function( pos )
Adds two Polar instances affecting the current object.
$madd: function( polar )
Returns the result of multiplying two complex numbers.
$prod:function( pos )
Returns the result of scaling a Complex instance.
$scale: function( factor )
Scales a polar instance affecting the object.
$scale: function( number )
Returns the result of adding two complex numbers.
add: function( pos )
Adds two Polar instances.
add: function( polar )
Connects nodes specified by obj and obj2.
addAdjacence: function ( obj, obj2, weight )
Connects the node to the specified by id.
addAdjacency: function( node, data )
Adds the specified className to the label.
addClass: function( node, cssClass )
Adds a node.
addNode: function( obj )
Adds a subtree, performing optionally an animation.
addSubtree: function( id, subtree, method, onComplete )
Makes a proper Tree object from a Tree JSON structure and inserts it where specified by id.
addSubtree: function( tree, id, subtree )
Indicates if the node is adjacent to the node indicated by the specified id
adjacentTo: function( node )
Animates the graph by performing a moebius transformation from the current state to the given position.
animate: function( viz, opt, versor )
Animates the graph by performing a translation from elem.startPos to elem.endPos.
animate: function( viz, opt )
Iterates over tree nodes from a sepecified level performing an action.
atLevel: function( tree, level, action )
Calculates the worst aspect ratio of a group of rectangles.
avgAspectRatio: function( ch, w )
Creates the body div dom element that usually contains a subtree dom element layout.
bodyBox: function( html, coord )
Intended for private use.
calculateCorners: function( tree, corners )
This method implements the core algorithm to calculate node positioning.
calculatePositions: function ( tree, initialPos, property, contracted )
Returns true if the current node has at least one node with property set to true.
children: function( tree, property )
Checks if a label with the homologue id of the current tree node exists and if it doesn’t it creates a label with this id.
chk: function( node )
Cleans flags from nodes (by setting the flag property to false).
clean: function( graph )
Clears the canvas object.
clear: function ()
Clears the label container.
clearLabels: function( viz )
Returns a copy of the current object.
clone: function()
Returns a copy of the current object.
clone: function()
Complex constructor.
var Complex= function()
Computes the graph nodes positions and stores this positions on property.
compute: function( property )
Computes the graph nodes positions and stores this positions on property.
compute: function( property )
Calculates positions from root node.
compute: function ()
Called by loadFromJSON to calculate recursively all node positions and lay out the tree.
compute: function( par, json, orientation )
Called by loadFromJSON to calculate recursively all node positions and lay out the tree.
compute: function( json, coord )
Called by loadFromJSON to calculate recursively all node positions and lay out the tree.
compute: function( json, coord )
Computes nodes and subtrees angular widths.
computeAngularWidths: function ()
Computes nodes and subtrees angular widths.
computeAngularWidths: function ()
Calculates the arc parameters through two points.
computeArcThroughTwoPoints: function( p1, p2 )
Computes the dimensions and positions of a group of nodes according to a custom layout row condition.
computeDim: function( tail, initElem, w, coord, comp )
Performs a BFS traversal setting correct level for nodes.
computeLevels: function( graph, id, flags )
Performs the main algorithm for computing node positions.
computePositions: function( property )
Performs the main algorithm for computing node positions.
computePositions: function( property )
Returns the conjugate por this complex.
conjugate: function()
Creates the content div dom element that usually contains a leaf div dom element or head and body div dom elements.
contentBox: function( json, coord, html )
Contracts selected nodes.
contract: function( onComplete, switched )
Constructs the proper DOM layout from a json node.
createBox: function( json, coord, html )