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2012 in Books

Posted in: Misc

There is one good thing about taking the CalTrain almost everyday: I get a lot of “extra” time to read. These are all the books I read since April 2012, when I started commuting to SF almost everyday.

Most of the books are about philosophy, mathematics, but I also read other stuff. Some of these books I read more than once. There are a couple of books in spanish and french as well. I think they have a proper english translation though.

I don’t think I have a “best book of 2012” in the list. There are lots of good ones, and I think that this happened because I chose to read books from great authors like Russell, Hardy, Carnap, Poincare, etc. -the actual people making history on these topics- instead of reading some interpretation of those topics by some other author. The worst book I read this year goes definitely to “Windows on the World”. In fact, I would call it the worst book I’ve ever read. Anyway, I hope to be able to keep this pace next year!

You’ll find amazon links to the books and also links to notes (written by be) about these books below.

Here’s the list: