Hi! I'm Nicolas and I'm interested in information visualization, JavaScript and web standards.
I currently work as a Data Visualization Scientist at Twitter. I wrote PhiloGL, the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit and V8-GL.
A couple of weeks ago -before the 1.0.7a release- I got an e-mail from Fanbin Kong, a Platform Computing software developer, reporting a few bugs on the Treemap visualization.
These bugs mainly had to do with memory leaks and rendering performance.
Together with Fanbin Kong and Yi Zheng we tried to fix these bugs, and came up with a new algorithm that increases rendering performance and solves (almost) all memory leak issues.
The changes were applied on version 1.0.7a of the JavaScript Infovis Tookit.
The other good news is that they gave me an ipod touch for this!
They also wrote an inscription at the back of the ipod: "Appreciation to Nico. A gift from Platform".
Thanks a lot guys, it really feels good to know that you appreciate my work :)