PhiloGL 1.1.1 and JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit 2.0.1 released

Posted in: javascript infovis toolkit , philogl , visualization

Just a quick post to let you know about two patch releases for the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit and PhiloGL respectively.

JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit 2.0.1

The new patch release for the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit includes many bug fixes (that you can find here) and new configuration options for Area, Pie and Bar charts.

As I mentioned before I’m very excited that the project has been selected for the Google Summer of Code 2011 program, and that two student applications have been already accepted. The selected students will work on making the toolkit better by implementing new visualizations like Voronoi TreeMaps, Scatter Charts, Line Charts and other work related to code design and refactoring. Expect some interesting updates on the project in the next few months!

PhiloGL 1.1.1

PhiloGL version 1.1.1 has been released with a bunch of bug fixes and improvements. Multiple point lights (up to 50) are supported now. You can check a complete changelog here.

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