Feeding JSON graph structures to the JIT

Posted in: javascript infovis toolkit
Version 1.0.3a of the JIT allows you to load graph structures to the RGraph and Hypertree objects. I chose a different JSON structure for graphs, since JSON tree structures don't seem conceptually suitable for this task. Hypertree and RGraph objects have a new method called loadGraphFromJSON(json [,i]) that takes a graph structure (described below) and optionally an index to set a particular node as root for the visualization. Please refer to the documentation for more information.

The graph structure

The JSON graph structure is an array of nodes, each having as properties: For example,
var json = [
  "id": "aUniqueIdentifier",
  "name": "usually a nodes name",
  "data": [
      {key:"some key",       value: "some value"},
    {key:"some other key", value: "some other value"}
  "adjacencies": ["anotherUniqueIdentifier", "yetAnotherUniqueIdentifier" /* ... */]
} /* ... more nodes here ... */ ];
I did a small example of a K6 rendered with a RGraph. The JSON graph structure used for this example is:
var json= [
     "name":"node0 name",
        {"key":"some key",
         "value":"some value"},
        {"key":"some other key",
         "value":"some other value"}],
     "name":"node1 name",
        {"key":"some key",
         "value":"some value"},
        {"key":"some other key",
         "value":"some other value"}],
     "name":"node2 name",
        {"key":"some key",
         "value":"some value"},
        {"key":"some other key",
         "value":"some other value"}],
     "name":"node3 name",
        {"key":"some key",
         "value":"some value"},
        {"key":"some other key",
         "value":"some other value"}],
     "name":"node4 name",
        {"key":"some key",
         "value":"some value"},
        {"key":"some other key",
         "value":"some other value"}],
     "name":"node5 name",
        {"key":"some key",
         "value":"some value"},
        {"key":"some other key",
         "value":"some other value"}],
You can post any question at the google group for this project. Enjoy!
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