Hi! I'm Nicolas and I'm interested in information visualization, JavaScript and web standards.
I currently work as a Data Visualization Scientist at Twitter. I wrote PhiloGL, the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit and V8-GL.
The library has been split into modules for code reuse.
All visualizations are packaged in the same file. You can create multiple instances of any visualization. Moreover, you can combine and compose visualizations. If you want to know more take a look at the AdvancedDemos.
This Toolkit is library agnostic. This means that you can combine this toolkit with your favorite DOM/Events/Ajax framework such as Prototype, MooTools, ExtJS, YUI, JQuery, etc.
You can extend this library in many ways by adding or overriding class methods. The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit has a robust (and private) class system, heavily inspired by MooTools', that allows you to implement new methods in the same class without having to define any new Class extension. By creating mutable classes you can add new custom Node and Edge rendering functions pretty easily.
Custom visualizations are created by adding or changing Node/Edge colors, shapes, rendering functions, etc. You can also implement many controller methods that are triggered at different stages of the animation, like onBefore/AfterPlotLine, onBefore/AfterCompute, onBefore/AfterPlotNode, request, etc.
You can also add new Animation transitions like Elastic or Back with easeIn/Out transitions.
If you want to know more about these features please take a look at the Demos code.
As you can see, this new version has been built with four concepts/goals in mind: Modularity, Customization, Composition and Extensibility. I already explained some of these things in the previous post.
Hope you enjoy it.